Today, I’m going to introduce you to an old friend and its medicinal uses. The oak gall is part of a tree that I’ve been using since I was a little girl. Have you ever worked with oak galls as an herbal medicine?

What are oak galls?

Oak galls are plant growths found on oak trees. What happens is, a wasp will come and sting the tree. In response to the sting, the tree forms a gall. Then, the wasp lays its eggs in the gall, and the babies leave when they grow up. Sometimes you can see little holes where the baby wasps, when they got big enough, flew out of the gall.

Oak galls don’t happen for all oak trees. Where I live, this process is really specific for Quercus lobata, sometimes called white oak or valley oak. There are particular oaks that have this relationship with the insects that sting it. The insects create their home and they give us these oak galls.

oak galls medicinal uses

What are oak galls used for?

When gathering oak galls for medicinal uses, you don’t want to get the galls when they’re green on the tree. You also don’t want to get them when they’re black on the ground. What you’re looking for is a blond color. You also want to look for the holes because you want to make sure that the wasps have left the gall.

Inside the gall is a pith. The pith is sterile and we use it in herbal medicine as a powerful hemostat that stops bleeding. If you’re ever out in the woods and there are oak galls, you can take this pith, put it on any kind of cut, and it will disinfect and stop the bleeding. Isn’t that cool?

oak galls medicinal uses

I have one of these oak galls in my first-aid kit. They last for years. I like to leave the gall whole until I use it. When you’re ready, you just take some of the pith, put it on your cut or your scrape or just anything that’s bleeding, and it will stop the bleeding and disinfect the cut. It’s incredible!

I would love to hear from you! Do you have oak trees where you live? If you do, have you ever seen oak galls? Have you ever tried oak galls for medicinal uses? Please share in the comments below.

Oak Galls Medicinal Uses

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