She felt the call to fiercely embrace this part of her being and never again stand for relegating it to the world of kooky or woo-woo.

I have a little story, maybe you can relate.

There once was a young girl that played tea party with the fairies, sang to the flowers and felt one with the stars.

As she grew up the talking heads said that hearing whispers from the flowers was child’s play and feeling the animals was anthropomorphizing. They said this was true and so it became the truth.

Every now and again, she caught a glimpse of the flower fairies and she always loved the earth and dabbled with the plants.

But she was part of the forgetter tribe which said that intellect was king and that anyway, she was top of the food chain. Now the thing is, when you think you are top of the food chain, you don’t have to pay so much attention to your environment and thus the sleepiness was deep and wide across the land.

But the years rolling by, brought the extinction of so many plants and animals. She felt sadness and despair as more and more creatures of the earth were now gone forever. She had always kept her love for the plants, but she could feel an unnamed tugging at her being that left her feeling restless and unfulfilled.

As time went on, the whispers from the non-human world became louder, until she could no longer ignore the stirrings of her childhood.

That part of her that could instantly feel connected to the plants. That part of her that could access the deep peace that comes with feeling related and connected to all things.

She remembered that she had it within her all along, the ability to feel the pulse of the Earth. So she set off to once again awaken this forsaken part of herself and vowed to listen for the music of the earth as she once had.

She felt the call to fiercely embrace this part of her being and never again stand for relegating it to the world of kooky or woo-woo.

In fact, she found hope and inspiration in her now very adult ability to calibrate her nervous system to the resonance of the plants.

She dedicated her love to the plants with a promise to bring their voice to the table. She knew that she was called to bring wholeness and healing back to her people.

She became one of those that listens to the plants and brings the wisdom and sanity of the voice of the Earth to the table during insane times.

And no, this is not THE END of this story.

This is who we are becoming.

The time is now, if you are feeling the call of the plants, it is because they are speaking. If you don’t pick this up for your people, once again, another generation is going to have to start from scratch.

We are hard wired for multi-dimensional perception of the earth and the plants. But when we think we are top of the food chain; it is easy to buy into the cultural premise that intellect is king, and then, as you know, the connectivity receptors begin to go dormant.

But in human physiology time, it hasn’t been that long.

Your plant allies are waiting, and it is really just a few steps away.

Would you like to nurture your powerful resilience skills of feeling deeply connected to the environment around you, including your herbal medicines?

Let’s spend this time listening deeply to the Earth so we can bring her medicine to the front and center of what is being asked for right now in the world.

Let your plant studies and your search for the best herbal medicines call you into deep and wise healing during an insane time.

If you would like to be supported on this journey. I would love to help you touch the soul of your love for the plants.

In my online course, Plant Communication: Activate Your Plant Communication Skills we remember all of who we are in deep relationship with the plants.

The Earth will guide us, are you one of those who listen?


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