The best thing you can do herbally when the grunge might be coming your way is to eat antiviral herbs every day. Yes, anti-viral herbs in every meal every day. Simple.

Don’t wait for the plague to arrive in your neighborhood before wondering what herbal medicines to have on hand.


I receive emails all year long, not just during flu season, ” Kami, how can I prevent colds and flu from taking over my household, which medicines should I have on hand?”

I know you’ve heard it all, reduce stress, get good sleep, exercise, eat well, take care of your digestion… So much so that it even sounds like blah blah blah at this point. 

But it’s the truth. Actually, lifestyle is what you have control over, and it makes a BIG difference when it comes to building immune strength. 

If your immune system is busy picking up the slack for bad food, late nights, sluggish lymph and high stress cortisol levels – well that is what it will be busy with -sweeping up. 

The whole idea around taking care with good sleep, good digestion and less stress, is to free up your immune system from sweeping up so it has the reserves to fight a virus if it needs to. 

Now is the time to start shoring up your immune reserves with what you have control over in your life. Do what you know is best for you around food, sleep and stress, even making one change will help you.

One easy thing that you have control over is what you eat and how well you support your digestion.

60% of your immunity originates in your digestive tract. 

That is why I am ALL about using herbs daily to keep your digestion at its best. 

The best thing you can do herbally when the grunge might be coming your way is to eat antiviral herbs every day. Yes, anti-viral herbs in every meal every day. Simple.

You know the saying, “Prevention is the best medicine.”

Prevention begins now, with what you eat and how your meals support your immune system.

The antiviral herbs in these recipes work on many levels to support your immunity. They don’t just attack unwanted virus cells; they support other functions in the body that provide the substance for your immune system to function at its best.

The antiviral herbs in my Favorite Antiviral Recipes also build your gut health which is the home base for your immunity. You want to build your gut strength now so that if in the future you do catch something, you’re set up with a healthy digestive tract to give you the best fighting chance.

The antiviral herbs are also full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients so that you have the building blocks available for your immune system to use. With the overuse of pesticides, our soil has become depleted and so much of the food we eat have less mineral content than it did in the past. The herbs provide you with a broader spectrum of nutrition for your body to work with to create more robust immune cells.

The antiviral herbs also support overall body function by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and bringing down the oxidative stress load in the body. When you reduce the overall inflammation and stress in the body, the immune system is freed up to fight viral infection.

Don’t stress, engage in simple lifestyle tweaks that you enjoy and that support your overall health which in turn free up your immunity to do the virus fighting. 

Here’s the Mantra:

“Antiviral herbs in every meal every day”


Find all the recipes below or CLICK HERE to access a download of the recipes so you can have them all in one place as a print out.


Wishing you the best of health

Antiviral Chai!

Truly the breakfast of champions for building strong immunity

Antiviral Oregano made delicious

Antiviral Orange Peel Tea

Orange Peel Herbal Remedy


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