After we made this video, my video guy, Dakota, had a giant smile and his face. He said, “Wow, that lavender is so amazing, my head feels so clear and I feel so happy!”

That is what fumigating your kitchen and home with lavender does. It cleans out the grunge. Not just bacterial grunge but mental gunk too.

Lavender is the happy herb. This simple home remedy technique can help clean up your home in more ways than one.

Lavender’s name comes from Latin roots, ‘lavare’ which means to wash. We use the medicine of lavender to ‘wash’ on many levels.

Lavender is highly anti-bacterial and when steamed into the air, it dis-infects and kills bacteria.

I do home steams preventively in the evening during cold and flu season. Fumigating your house with a lavender steam will help to rid the house of any sickness and have everyone feeling relaxed and happy

After you try it, let me know how the people in your home respond to the aroma of lavender filling the house….

Click here to get Lavender Fumigation Recipe: Free Top 5 Lavender Home Remedies eBook

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