Hey, everyone! Let me be your personal guide to unlocking the secrets of your spice rack. And I say secrets because your spice rack is really the best kept secret in your home. It is an amazing toolkit full of super useful plants that can really make a difference when...
After we made this video, my video guy, Dakota, had a giant smile and his face. He said, “Wow, that lavender is so amazing, my head feels so clear and I feel so happy!” That is what fumigating your kitchen and home with lavender does. It cleans out the grunge. Not...
Today I wanted to spend some time and answer a Frequently Asked Question. So for the past 27 years I have been helping creative people just like you build their confidence in using natural remedies in their homes to take care of themselves and their loved ones. And...
I hope you never need this toothache remedy, but just in case you do, here it goes. If you look up toothache herbal remedies, most herb books say to chew on cloves for toothache. When I was on my knees from tooth pain, cloves just did not quite cut it. But I found...
What is the Big Deal about Dandelion? I mean really, what is the big deal about this weed that grows in every lawn? It doesn’t taste that great anyway, it is so bitter! That is for sure, dandelion leaves are BITTER! How do you like bitter tasting greens? I...
Not that I don’t ever drink coffee, because I do. Especially on the weekend if we go out to our favorite café or when my husband fills the house with the aroma of his top shelf brew on Sunday mornings. I figured out long ago that if I make a ‘to-do’ list while I am on...
Are you wanting to use herbs more in your life, but feel like you don’t have the time to learn about or make herbal remedies? This Rosemary Thyme Salt recipe is an easy way to increase your immunity and support your digestion. Spice salt blends are the quickest and...
Have you seen this weed? Of course you have. This plant can be found in the park, the lawn, growing between cracks in the asphalt, on the side of the road, the parking lot, you name it. The plantain herb grows just about everywhere and has many benefits! I know this...
Herbs for Vibrant Health really means, “Do you want to have more energy at the end of the day?” The most common complaint I hear from people in my clinical herbal practice is that they don’t have enough time or energy. I can’t say that I know how to carve out more...
Do you know this plant? Have you ever weeded it from your garden and thrown it away? Well, those days are over. Meet mallow, the edible weed with health benefits. Common mallow is one of the most amazing edible weeds on the planet. From now on, instead of throwing it...
Are you pregnant? Do you have a pregnant friend or family member? Maybe you know someone that is trying to have children? Ina Mae’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina Mae Gaskin is by far the best book on birthing. I buy 10 copies at a time and just give them away to friends,...
This is what my grandfather; John McBride had to say back in the day: “The Problem with children these days is they don’t spend enough time in nature” As the first Parks and Recreation Director of Solano County he decided he had the power to do something about this...