With cardamom, hawthorn, honey and rose hips as some of the ingredients, you can’t go wrong!!

Have you made electuaries yet?

Big yum factor. Good thing there are so many tasty ways to get herbs into us!
I’ve been making this Love Your Heart Electuary for a couple decades now and I’ll tell you what…It is a crowd pleaser for sure!

Take a look at the video and see just how simple this home remedy is!

Ok just what is an electuary?

Electuary is a fancy name for powdered herbs mixed into honey and this recipe also adds ghee to the honey base.

Honey and ghee–they’re both delivery mediums. What they do is help to deliver herbs deeper into the body. They also enhance digestion and the nutritional properties that are in the herbs. This is a not so common, great way to take herbs!

With cardamom, hawthorn berries and honey as some of the ingredients, you can’t go wrong!!


Full of flavonoids, cardamom reduces inflammation throughout the entire cardiovascular system. It also reduces platelet aggregation which is when blood cells stick together, creating thicker, harder to pump blood.

Hawthorn berries

Hawthorn berries are one of her best herbal tonics for the heart. Hawthorn strengthens the heart, helps maintain healthy veins and arteries and reduces inflammation that contributes to heart disease.

Find out more about the healing qualities of all the spices used in this recipe. It is full of cardiovascular tonic yumminess!

I am glad home herbalism can be so delicious!

To your health!




Download Recipe Here


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