the-rickYou know I am all about focusing on solutions and how we can continue to work with nature to heal ourselves and take care of each other.

Every once in a while though, I have to dredge up the dismal news. It helps us remember why we work to create a nourishing kitchen culture and use herbs and spices to shore up our family’s health.

So even though it’s dismal, I think you want to know what the FDA says. This warning is STILL not common knowledge! Really, I feel like it has been just swept under the rug!

This is information that EVERYONE needs to know about, please check it out and share it.

I mean it; everyone needs to know what is going on. Mostt people do not know about this warning.

If you are like many people, taking an Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Aleve for cramps, headaches, joint pain, every day aches and pains is just what seems normal, I mean everyone else is doing it……..

And the advertisements make it look like it’s the best thig to do to take care of yourself………

Oh, you mean this stuff can be life-threatening? It does what???

Well, the FDA has warnings  about these over the counter drugs.

The labeling requirements for these painkillers say:
“The risk of heart attack or stroke can occur as early as the first weeks of using a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory). The risk may increase with longer use.”

So here’s what the FDA also says: Take the minimum effective dose for the least amount of time”

Click here to read it straight from the FDA

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Break it down, that means, try not to take them. If you have to take them, don’t take very much and don’t keep taking them.

Again, a big difference in messaging compared to what you see on the screen ads.

Turns out they’ve known about this risk for a while. Since these over the counter medications are so widely used, they decided that the public needs to be aware of the downside of taking these anti-inflammatory medications. I am sure things had to get pretty bad for them to be forced to put out this warning.

Of course this warning doesn’t address the dysregulation of the gastro-intestinal flora that happens when you take these over the counter medications. Much less how disrupting the gut flora increases inflammation in the body….. But let’s leave that conversation for another time.

Right now, let’s just grock it. Medication can save lives and it has a tremendous capacity to increase the quality of life in certain situations.

However, let’s not teach our kids that over the counter medications are the first thing to reach for when it comes to every day common ailments.

And, let’s develop a ‘get to the root of the problem’ approach to our health instead of quick symptom suppression that it turns out has the potential to take us down a much more slippery path…

This is why we study herbal medicine and invest in learning to build our home herbal apothecary!

Share this information with the people you love. SO many people still do not know about these warnings and the risks.

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