Do you know any of the herbal remedies that were used by your mother, grandmother, great grandparents and aunties? Can you remember an ‘Old Wives Tale’ or a silly remedy that your mom always made you take when you started to get a cough?

“Our foremothers worked hard and if they took the time to make a remedy again and again it is because it worked.”

With the current anti-biotic resistance to bacteria and anti-biotic resistance to very strong strains of staph infections, these old remedies become instantly relevant to what we need to support our health and wellness.

One of my students is a Medical Doctor in a Northern California hospital. She said that five years ago when there was a staph out-break they would isolate the infected patients in one area of the hospital. She said now they don’t even bother. The infections are so rampant, that it is very common for someone to be staying in the hospital for a routine knee, heart or gall bladder surgery and end up very sick from the infection they pick up in the hospital.

Currently patients have a 50% less chance of being effectively treated for a serious staph infection than they did in 1980.

Let’s just say, I think it’s a good idea to use our herbal wisdom to try to stay well and out of the hospital!

Even if you aren’t interested in studying herbal medicine or formally taking health classes, you can build a small repertoire of home remedies to help yourself and your loved ones stay healthy and ward off infections.

It may be as simple as putting a little effort into interviewing the elders in your life!

Ask any aunts, uncles, grandparents or friends of your parents if they remember any home remedies that your ancestors used. Very often they won’t remember right away, but if you put it out there that you are interested, usually at some point you will get a phone call.

I had been teaching herbal medicine for more than fifteen years before it dawned on one of my aunts that I might be interested in knowing that my great grandmother frequently made horehound cough drops for all the kids. Horehound cough drops take a fair amount of effort to make, so that story tells me that it was an effective remedy if she took the time to do it.

My other great grandmother, Lillie Belle McBride had six children and helped to take care of dozens of other neighbor kids and nieces and nephews. The story is that when one child let out a single cough, out came the onions and the whole house would smell of onions as she cooked them up. She would chop up several onions, put them in a little water and slow cook them into an onion syrup. Every child that walked through her door then had to drink the onion syrup; it helped to keep a cold from spreading through the pack of kids. She didn’t want to take care of a dozen sick kids so she relied on onions to keep everyone well!

Our foremothers worked hard and if they took the time to make a remedy again and again it is because it worked. Many of the remedies that our elders used are very old remedies that were passed down for many generations. These people didn’t go to school or read in books about their remedies. They used the remedies because they saw them applied in the household they grew up in and the empirical evidence of seeing it work made the remedy stick.

The problem is that a remedy that could have been successfully used within a family for hundreds of years can be lost in one generation.

A single generation of children not interested in the remedies of the household means that it is not passed on. That is the common story in the United States. The love affair with pharmaceuticals took the place of onion syrup and horehound cough drops.

If the home herbal remedies were dropped in your lineage, is there a thread that you can find to try and re-weave that fabric that once existed as central to the home environment?

A few years ago I had dinner at a friends’ house and their 92 year old grandmother was visiting from Idaho. At some point in the conversation the grandmother told a story about her mother being the town midwife in Eastern Europe in the late 1800’s. Well, most midwives at that time were also herbalists.

I asked her a few questions and she said, “Oh my mom knew all the herbs, people came to her for all kinds of things”. She proceeded to tell several miracle stories of how her mom saved lives with the weeds she picked. I listened with great joy to the story of her mothers’ remedies and how she used them. My friends had no idea that their great grandmother was an herbalist and a healer. I feel so blessed to have received that ancient healing knowledge from another time.

I had a student many years ago. She had a grandmother from Mexico that she hadn’t seen in more than ten years. I told her that she was lucky to have a living grandmother and to go and visit her. She took a trip to see her grandmother and told her that she was interested in using herbs for healing.

She had no idea that her grandmother knew about herbs. My student spent the next two weeks with her grandmother and great aunts harvesting wild herbs and learning how to make teas, herbal washes and syrups. Her grandmother was an herbalist and a healer and had learned the art from her mother.

You never know who the person is in your life that might be holding some ancient herbal wisdom. Start asking around. Ask your eldest family member or your oldest neighbor who they remember using herbal remedies…you may be surprised….

What home remedies have been used in your family traditions?

What healing remedies did your family rely upon before antibiotics and hospitals were available?

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