Do you have a story around taking medications?
As always, I am not diving in here to say anyone taking a medication is bad or wrong. I simply want to help people be aware of the risks so they can truly be informed when making a choice about what they put into their body and why.
It’s simple, I want to stir up this conversation, no blame, let’s just talk about it more; tell our stories, see what other people are experiencing…
Have you had any difficult or helpful experiences that resulted from taking either a prescribed or over the counter drug?
Let’s get this conversation rolling, share your story in the chat box below.
- Research shows that 81% of adults use OTC medicines as a first response to minor ailments
- According to the Mayo Clinic, Almost 70% of Americans take at least one prescription medication and more than half take at least two
- The National Council on Patient Information and Education says that people need to recognize that all medicines (OTC and prescription) have Risks
I mean really, LOTS of people are taking medications, but do we really talk about it that much?
Just because a doctor prescribes a medication for you, doesn’t mean that you’ve been informed of all the risks.
We all know that medications can be life-saving. I have seen medication have life-saving effects for several family members with severe diabetes. I was very grateful for the pain medication that allowed my mother to be able to spend time with her family during her end of life experience.
Unfortunately, though, because of my long time interest in this topic, I’ve heard a lot of sad stories.
Like my friend whose doctor told her nothing about the risks of taking Hormone Replacement Therapy only to have her breast cancer surgeon tell her to stop taking it immediately and that it was the cause of why she had breast cancer……
Or my 28 year old neighbor that had a stroke because nobody told her that if you have a history of migraines that taking birth control pills puts you at a higher risk of having a stroke.
Or my student that developed debilitating muscle pain that lasted for years even after she stopped taking medication for high cholesterol…… I could go on, but have just mentioned a few to get the ball rolling.
What’s your story? Do you know someone that has a medication story? Your story might help someone else; share it in the box below…
Here are a few steps you can take to bring more information to the table when considering taking a medication:
- Talk to your doctor, ASK your doctor to talk to you about possible side-effects of a medication
- Read the Patient Information Sheets that come folded and tucked into the medication box
- Look on WebMD for possible drug interactions and side-effects:
- Research if what you are dealing with can be helped by using herbs or natural remedies
I hope you’ll join me in this conversation, together let’s shed a little light on what is happening to so many people.
Do you know someone that may be at risk of a side-effect but has no idea about it? Share this article with them…..
What’s Your Medication Story?
I had a total joint replacement 3 weeks ago. I’m off of all of the prescriptions, and all OTC meds except low dose aspirin. I feel trapped because they warn against blood clots and that the aspirin is important, so I keep taking it. I would rather take turmeric with ginger and black pepper but, I don’t know if I should. I also have a thought in the back of my mind, did levothyroxin cause the need for a new hip by increasing my risk for osteoarthritis?
In Sept 2022 I began a horrible bout of GI issues. So extreme that I could not leave the house without taking a PPI to control my symptoms. The PPI had been prescribed several years prior to take along with an NSAID to prevent stomach issues. My horrible GI issues in 2022 required a daily dose of omeprozole. I was on this for more than 2 years. My doctor assured me they were safe to take. Fast forward to 2024, had a bone density done and discovered I have osteoporosis. With a dangerously low T-score. I did some research and… Read more »
It definitely is a ferris wheel- glad you’re doing this work to get your health back!!
I am a ALL leukemia survivor (in remssion) since I was 8, now 29
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since I was 16. I’ve been diagnosed with barrets esophagus and diabetic gastroparesis in 2022 so I suffer from a lot of digestive problems and pains.
I was diagnosed as infertile at age 13-14 due to full body radiation as a kid and am on hormonal replacements, such as estrogen and progesterone. I’m currently on 2 types of insulin; long and short acting, satins, and a proton pump inhibitor
First of all, THANK YOU for opening this very important conversation. I have held this in for years. Several years ago my husband had his first bought with diverticulitis and had to go to hospital. After 9 hours they diagnosed him with diverticulitis and sent him home with 2 antibiotics, amoxicillin and ciprofloxicin. Please note he has a heart condition. Next morning he woke up profusely sweating. We thought it was another heart attack. Our doctor is just down the street. We called her and went there and they did a heart test and called the ambulance immediately. They told… Read more »
So sorry you had to go through all of that and may your story help others.
I developed severe complex motor tics when I was 16 years old. Over the next six years, I saw multiple doctors, including several neurologists, and was given a series of diagnosis ranging from possible seizures to schizophrenia and, finally Teurette’s syndrome, each diagnosis coming with its own slew of suggested medications, none of which worked. Most of my 20’s and 30’s were spent being shuffled from one random prescription to the next, designed to treat everything from diabetes to parkinsons disease, each time with the explanation that ‘we don’t know why this works, but SOMETIMES it does’. The side effects… Read more »
For over 10 years I was carrying quite a few diagnosis’ including; fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, chronic bilateral sciatica, migraines… then about 4 years ago, I started vomiting at least once every day for at least two years, having unexplainable seizures and POTS episodes. Finally in 2016, I got so sick that I couldn’t work. I was falling and unstable, I couldn’t drive due to seizures and I was even unable to stand and wash my dinner dishes or take care of my home appropriately. My memory was shot and I kept forgetting to pay bills on time, I was… Read more »
My story involves ibuprofen. When I was younger I suffered debilitating cramps every month during my cycle. I mean enough to miss 1 to 3 days old school each month. I also suffered really bad headaches due to my sinuses being messed up due to my allergies. I used to say I could count on both hands the days that I did not have a headache rather than when I did in a years time My doctor’s tried multiple things to help my monthly cramps. Nothing worked until my doctor introduced me to Advil. He taught me that while 1… Read more »
I’ve had an allergic reaction to almost every prescription medication I’ve taken. Breaking out in hives and extreme dizziness. When I went through breast cancer, I reacted to the surgical drugs in much the same way. After treatment I was given an adjuvant drug as the final treatment. I had so much deep pain I couldn’t sleep or function through the day. I quit that drug in 9 days. Fortunately I found a NP oncologist who treated me with medicinal mushrooms. Later, I took Aspirin for a post menopausal headache I had developed. One night after taking the aspirin, I… Read more »
I have too many stories to tell all. I think it is a family thing. My mother developed neuropathy after a flu shot and spent a month in a wheelchair. Then I got neuropathy after a flu shot, not as severe, but I still have neuropathy, and it has been 20 years since that shot. I had seizures as a baby after vaccines in the 50s, and had various strange effects and one doctor 20 years ago told me to not take them. But it’s hard, because even then he told me not to tell that he said that, because… Read more »
About 30 years ago I had a pretty serious neurological episode that was diagnosed as MS (after CT and MRI scans and a lumbar puncture to test spinal fluid). When they came out with injectable MS meds my neurologist recommended Copaxone, and then Tysabri when the IV infusions came out. I did all the meds (which only claimed to “reduce symptoms and progression”) for about 10 years, and when I had ZERO flareups I decided to try weaning off them and using neuro-beneficial foods, herbs and supplements to see what happened… and NOTHING happened. No exacerbations, no new symptoms, no… Read more »
I wish to commend you for bringing light to such an important topic 🙏💜 In 2020 my world was turned upside down as a result of pharmacuetical medication side effects. I sustained an acquired brain injury resulting in significant nuerological disorders – Tardive Dyskinesia, Parkinsonism, Akathisia, memory loss, ataxia and photophobia. I have been Biohacking my way back to me ever since. I have retrained as a holistic herbalist and am on a mission to empower others to take back control of their health and wellness. Plants, Food, Movement and Music are now my medicines of choice. I am pharma… Read more »
Thank you for sharing your success story
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease about 13 years ago after discovering a nodule on my thyroid. Back then, I completely trusted the “specialist” my GP sent me to who told me the only option to get my thyroid under control was to take radioactive iodine but to not worry, as it’s completely safe. So I did. 10 years later, my thyroid starting growing multiple nodules and rapidly. Within 2 years, my thyroid was the largest a doctor had seen in a first world country. Eventually the regular ultrasounds detected abnormalities and the cancer was confirmed by biopsy. All my… Read more »
Thank you for sharing your story with us
I was given a new medicine for a health problem, a rx and free samples and before the month was up I had a heart attack. No prior heart problems at all. Tried to get the medical community to look into this, and my drs lawyer wife lied to me and said I had no case as it was free samples. Turns out the dr actually gave me an rx with the samples and it was filled. Still no one cared. If I have no legal recourse then why do we a court system at all?
Mine is not so dramatic but none the less an example of we don’t have all the information to make a good choice. I was prone to Urinary Tract Infection-despite a healthy diet, good hygiene practice, and making sure my partner was clean before intercourse. When I inquired if there was anything else I could try I was told No. Take the antibiotic, drink plenty of water add cranberry juice. After multiple rounds of antibiotic this one particular time about 8 years ago of still having symptoms. With an understanding that with multiple rounds antibiotic resistance could be a problem,… Read more »
Thank you for sharing your story, Donna
I was born in Russia and at age of 9month oldy my mother noticed that her child has shakes, but didn’t pay much attention. At age of 3 I passed out watching TV and again my parents thought it’s nothing wrong and at the age of 4 it happened again..I was taken to a neurologist and missed diagnosed with epilepsy. I was on the medicine for 33 years of my life until I found out that I have gluten and wheat intolerance. 2008. I started eating for my blood type, got out of medicine 💊💉 and now it’s been 13… Read more »
I ‘ve had severe idiopathic hirustism since I was a teen. I finally was prescribed spironolactone for it in my early 30s, not realizing this drug is tumorigenic (causes tumors). Ironically, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer at 36. My final pathology after my mastectomy found (I kid you not) over 7 tiny tumors in both breasts! It was not until after my surgery that I found out that spironolactone can be so problematic. So, I am on a quest to deal with this condition holistically since traditional medication could have killed me!!!
I was prescriped med for cholesterol twice itried both times I got sick. Now I take otc CholestOff and my test are perfect. I also take Moranga, Turmeric, and Ashwagandw. Doc says don’t know what you are doing but keep it up.
I was on zopiclone, to help me sleep, for 15 years. The doctors never told me that it can affect memory. It took me 16 months to get off them. Ive been free of them for 3 years now and sleep ok. Still working on balancing hormones.
I commend you Kami on starting this discussion. I heard some horrifying statistics recently about the average number of medications prescribed to women and women over 60 in particular, and it is very frightening. The number 10 comes to mind.This was a talk given by a Toronto Hospital focused on women’s health, and they knew the statistics told a story that needs changing. They admitted that the first drug often causes side effects that lead the doctor to prescribe drug 2 to remediate the side effects and it escalates from there. Your work guiding us to use plant medicine to… Read more »
Hi Kami, I have a story about not taking medication, and the journey that has taken me on… whilst I was raised on antibiotics, taking them way too regularly until I was about 23, when I started a contraceptive pill & became self-harm/suicidal… which disappeared a month later when I stopped taking those pills… I started exploring other options. At 28 I began studying my physical being, as the underlying principle of my life’s experience (universal principles through kahuna and hula) I’m now 43 and have been exploring how my bacterial level is created, nurtured and reproduced within my physical… Read more »
Hi Kami, I am a retired male nurse, RN. I had a surgery before I retired from a broken lower leg right above the ankle. The year was 2013. The doctor told me I’d be on my feet and back to work in 6 to 8 weeks post surgery. A plate and screws were inserted to stabilize the break and a titanium rod was inserted from right below the knee to the lower leg also to stabilize the break. The plate and screws were sticking out and could be felt right on the surface under the stiched up skin. My… Read more »
Thank you for sharing your story. Good lessons to share with all!
Hi Kami! Great discussion topic! I was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy when I was 19. Aside from blood thinners (which I stopped taking within a year because I was young and invincible!) and an ICD, the disease was monitored as I was asymptomatic for years. Fast forward to around 34. I began having complications, atrial flutter and fibrillation, fainting spells, etc. Over the course of about 5 years of surgeries, medications, procedures, etc… nothing was working to keep my heart in rhythm. I was sick, trying to work and live my life as best I could, but I was either… Read more »
My mother-in-law in her early 80’s began to “lose ground” and it looked like she might be failing. She lost her appetite, nothing tasted right. Even water tasted bad to her. She lost a lot of weight and was dehydrated. Her thinking got confused and she became irritable. Staff at her assisted living facility probably assumed it was the normal process of aging. She was taken to the ER a couple of times where she seemed to us to be near death. Her doctors didn’t know what was actually causing her sudden decline. My husband, her son, finally in desperation… Read more »
Hello, So, I have two stories to tell. The first one being the time I was prescribed Champix, a smoking cessation drug. At the time I wasn’t a regular smoker, just casual, but non the less wanted to stop. It was prescribed to me without any background questions. I took the drug as prescribed for 8 days. On that 8th day the dose increases. About midday, I took a nap and woke up not being able to breath. I was trying to inhale but the air just wasn’t getting in. I got up and soon I was able to receive… Read more »
I’m the last of the hospital-trained Registered Nurses in Canada. It was “drilled into our heads” to learn the side-effects of the drugs or we could actually “kill our patients”. There were a few drugs used back then. We learned ways to help patients, very effectively, without drugs.We were later told that they were “old wives tales” & they “don’t work”. Really! – they worked for a very long time! Doctors & nurses only know what they are taught. When I worked as a nurse (R.N.), I wondered about things, eg. why wasn’t the cause of the health challenge being… Read more »
H Kami: I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder about 15 years ago. They put me on Latuda and Lamictal, mood stabilizers, and an antidepressant called Cymbalta. The corruption of the big drug companies that has been exposed over the last year has made me rethink taking prescription medications (and trusting the medical “professionals”). I’ve made a study of these medications and others I take for blood pressure. I’ve done extensive reading and consulting with trusted friends who are retired doctors, pharmacists and dieticians. I’ve come to realize that the body, in particular the colon, affects mental health drastically. Long… Read more »
When I was a teenager, I struggled with severe depression from childhood traumas and living in an abusive home. I was put on antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and tranquilizers. All of them sent me further and further into depression, caused sudden and extreme weight gain, memory issues, and- most horrifically- at age 15 when I was still a virgin, I began lactating. The potential for side effects was never discussed with me by my doctors, and so I always believed that the medication was ‘supposed to fix me’ and that there was something horribly wrong with me for it to not… Read more »
I have been taking NP Thyroid for years! It brings my numbers into the normal range but does not help me feel any better or with the symptoms of Hashimoto’s!!
Several years ago (pre-pandemic), I started to experience chronic chest pain and shortness of breath seemingly out of the blue. All tests showed no issues with my heart or lungs, so my doctor at the time put me on Advil daily for the pain. (I later learned, much to my frustration, that some doctors will do this in hopes of harnassing the placebo effect even if they have no idea what is causing your pain.) It turned out that my mysterious symptoms were connected to acid reflux and GI issues, which of course the Advil made worse. I was put… Read more »
Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Hello! My story began in September 2021 and is still ongoing. I am 62 years old and until last September was healthy, just a history of one c-section and passable kidney stones. Was hospitalized last September for diverticulitis and infection. Four different IV antibiotics for a week, NPO. I was never offered information on what antibiotics I was being given nor the risks. I had to ask each time, and then was given a paper to read after receiving the dose. Once I returned home I found it very difficult to eat anything without vomiting for over a week. Three… Read more »
Thank you for sharing your story, Cyndi
I was diagnosed with breast cancer over ten years ago. I went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and then was put on hormone medication. My doctor even told me that this medication would cause me to gain weight but it was necessary to keep the cancer from coming back so I took it. In the next few months I gained 50pounds. I have gone on many diets and exercise plans but have been unable to get any of this weight to come off. It is so frustrating.
High blood pressure meds. Perindoprol (or some such). Worked a little bit at first. Had debilitating leg cramps needing me to jump out of bed several times a night because the cramping was so severe I had to walk around to ease it. Then came the terrible bladder spasms which were somewhat like a UTI with urgent need to urinate but nothing in the bladder. This also made me get up 6 – 7 times per night and was becoming increasingly painful. Then I realised that I had sunk into a dreadful depression. Never having had depression before, it took… Read more »
Hi Kami, I have been taking antidepressants for years and now I take Hydroxychloroquine for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I hate taking medications but what can you do when you’re having melt downs or you’re knees are so swollen and painful you can barely walk. My doctor wouldn’t even acknowledge that I had asked him a question when I brought up the topic of CBD oil for pain, (just a side note: I don’t drink nor do I smoke pot.) First thing you get is a prescription. I tried weaning myself off the antidepressant meds and was drug free for 6 months… Read more »
Oh man, Donna.. I feel your pain. I have lupus.. At one point I was taking 17 pills three times a day. I was a zombie. I told my doctor I wanted to cut back on some and she flipped out. I ended up leaving my doctor and stopping everything on my own. Tried really hard to handle it myself with diet and exercise. After I got over all withdrawals I felt amazing. Fast forward about 7 years. My lungs started acting up so I went to a new doctor. Explained what I’d been doing without medication. She was all… Read more »
From about age 10 doctors have been trying to discover what was wrong with me. Eventually age 30 I was told I had a hiatus hernia, osteoarthritis and Ankylosing spondialytis. Roll on 10 years of strong pain killers and omeprazole/esomeprazole/lansoperazole (kept swapping over the years). And a consultant told me I didn’t have Ankylosing spondialytis.said “you have something but I don’t know what”!! At that point I stopped the medication for AS and started researching alternatives. I’ve had reflexology once a month ever since. It is an amazing painkiller once your body gets used to the signals. I also started… Read more »
Hi, I’ll call myself Heidi, I’m an Australian and I was given all the usual childhood vaccinations that wasn’t even questioned at the time. Every time I was sick my father would take me to the Dr. But I was rarely ever sick. When I grew up I went to the Dr but I also watched what I ate and tried to keep active and had a big interest in herbs and a dislike for sugary foods as they always made me feel sick. I worked so hard and had a number of children (4) and ended up with hernias.… Read more »
I have stage 4 cancer so I’ve been under some really heavy stuff what more can I say.
When I was younger, some doctor prescribed methylphenidate (also known as Ritalin). As I grew older, I noticed some side effects, the worst of which showed up when I was in my late 20s or early 30s — I felt some strange drowsiness coming on when I should have been wide awake and paying attention to what I was doing. I put an end to that one day — I tossed the container, with the remaining tablets, in the trash. Some people would not understand until it finally dawned on them that I had felt enough of the side effect… Read more »
I got Crohn’s disease in 1988 when I received a 3-part hepatitis vaccine for a job at the time. I had no idea vaccines had any issues. I now know better but this info continues to be hidden until you do your own research. Then later, as another treatment for my Crohn’s, I was put on a “biological agent” called Humira which resulted in me being taken by ambulance a few years later for a 200 bpm heart rate. I was in the Cardiac Ward almost 2 weeks. The cardiologist said this happened from the drug (he was one of… Read more »
It’s charted in my Medical records that the flu shot “gave” me lupus. The way the doctor explained it was I probably already had it but it never became active. Something in the flu shot made it active. Now that I’ve researched it I understand what he meant. I was one of those people that used to trust doctors. Not anymore.
My parents put me on depression medication at a young age. As in too young to really even understand what depression was. I don’t remember ever reading the drug pamphlets and I know my parents always declined the consult to talk about risks. It’s been a fight my whole life, me not wanting to take the medication, and my parents making me take it and blaming all my issues on that when I don’t. At 15 I landed in a mental hospital because I was suicidal, before I went in I was on a depression pill and an anxiety pill.… Read more »
While reading your story, I can palpably feel overwhelming love pouring out of me toward you, with the intention of engulfing you in love and precious care. You can heal! You are amazing! You are a powerful being – you have been your whole life. How resilient you are. Dr. Joe Dispenza has a lot of information on how we can ‘reprogram’ our minds and gain control of our neurotransmitters and hormones. It’s fascinating and doable. Your story has moved me. I’m honoured to hear you, to learn from you.
My husband has bad allergies and I would love to help him. Would you mind sharing what essential oil blend you made?
I went to the hospital I started to have panic attacks from the p.t.s.d. I have endured. They said I needed medication because I was what they called bipolar. I am not I just endured trauma from men from my Dad, boys picking on me all the time. Then mental, emotional, physical damage from both of the men I married. They put me on 2500 mg. Of Seroquel and Zepreza. It had opposite affect on me. I do have A D.H.D. and P.T.S.D. I became a type 1 diabetic. I just went to the hospital in a diabetic coma. I… Read more »
I was tired breathless and jittery because of asthma meds, that is when I decided that it was an unending trap of adding more. I switched to bee propolis and gradually weaned off the meds. Diet changes helped a great deal, juicing veggies helped with energy. After 8 years off of the meds, my lungs are better my head clearer. Seasonal allergies dealt with nutritionally and I look forward to trying tree medicine next spring or one of the building remedies such as nettles.
This resonates so much with me!! Thank you for creating a space for this conversation!
Thirty one years ago I was prescribed Prozac for depression and developed tremors and muscle spasms. The doctor wanted to double the dose. I refused and stopped taking it. I could barely walk, even with a cane. Two years later I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia taking 22 pills a day. I could barely breathe and walk at the same time. The meds did help briefly but only the symptoms, and then came the side effects. I decided to stop taking everything gradually, while researching online, alternatives. I’m 68 years old now and the only thing I take now are vitamins… Read more »
Thank you for sharing, Diane
I hurt my back several years ago; opted against surgery and made the mistake of taking a lot of ibuprofen over a long time period to combat the pain. I started having stomach issues and laying in bed at night aching in every joint, not just my back. I decided to stop taking ibuprofen and immediately realized that ibuprofen was part of the problem, and I still battle with gut issues. It’s odd to me that I would be so against surgery, but take ibuprofen like it was a cure-all. Needless to say, I don’t take pain medication anymore. I… Read more »
Thanks for sharing your story
So many forget, that first and foremost that our doctors that we encounter over the years are and have been on that receiving end of the choice they make for their own body as a individual. They make mistakes just like us. We just trust them because they are the doctor. If it wasn’t for the fact that I listened to my own body more so over what a doctor tells me as fact, I would have been dead. It was me that was labeled the hypochondriac because I wouldn’t listen to the doctor. It was me who encouraged the… Read more »
I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. My doctor prescribed me Lamictal, seroquil, kalonpin, Risperdal, and another 5 or more meds over the course of 2 years. Then he was being investigated by the DEA and completely cut me off. No weaning off of them. When my refills ran out that was it. And no other dr would help me. Thought I was drug searching. I ended up losing over 20 lbs (I was 40 , 5’7″ and 95lbs) and in the psych ward. Today, I fight to stay over 110lb, and have NO sex drive, I believe due to… Read more »
I had a UTI…I made the mistake of asking my Dr. For a script. She proscribed Bactrim (a sulfa drug). I was fine the next two days but then my body started rejecting the meds… I was covered, head to toe in hives…my body was ON FIRE, even the bottoms of my feet!!
A trip to the emergency room and several thousands of dollars later, I began to feel better. Since then, I have looked to natural remedies…and have found cornsilk tea is the bomb for a UTI!!
Thanks for sharing your story
A few years ago I could not get rid of the sinus pain in my head. The doctor put me on 7 rounds of antibiotics. 5 before surgery, 2 after. The surgery was needed as my sinus passages were not formed correctly. Sadly, I was not aware until it was too late that one of the antibiotics that was used 4 of the 7 times has a side effect of nerve damage. I now have permanent nerve damage in my face. 😢
I recently took Ciprofloxacin for a bad UTI about a few months ago. I’m still working with a naturopath to figure out what’s been going on. Ever since I took it I have had the worst gut issues and systemic inflammation. Deep down my body told me not to take it but my doctor said either I take it or I’ll be admitted to the hospital. Regardless, I am shifting everything in my life so I can heal this!
I got a UTI at 22 yrs old. Was given sulfa. I found I was allergic to it and it gave me a severe hepatitis which landed me in the hospital. I dropped so much weight I looked like a skeleton. I did survive basically by NOT following doctor’s orders. I left the hospital without permission. They were not helping me. It took 18 months to regain my health. From that point forward I have taken very little medication. I am 66 and take no medication, just whole foods, raw foods and herbs. ALL synthetic meds that doctors prescribe take… Read more »
I tell everyone I know that take medicines regularly to supplement with milk thistle. Gotta love your liver. One reason I turned my mother in law onto melatonin when I found out she took Tylenol pm just to help her sleep…every night
This is what my dad trained me to do as well. I took NyQuil almost every night for 4 years to help me sleep at night. I don’t even want to know the long term side effects that had…