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Alchemy Oil

Author: Kami McBride


  • 1 tbsp powdered turmeric
  • 1 tbsp powdered paprika
  • 1 tbsp powdered coriander
  • 2 tsp powdered mustard
  • 1 tsp powdered cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp vodka (optional; preferably 100-proof)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 ½ cups olive oil


  • Powder dried herbs in a blender or purchase them pre-powdered. 
  • Optional alcohol rehydration step: Put the herbs in a bowl and rehydrate them with vodka. Mash and stir the alcohol into the herbs until all the clumps are worked out. Cover the bowl and let sit for 30 minutes. This optional step enhances the extraction of medicinal properties and savory flavors. 
  • Put the herbs, salt and olive oil into sterilized jar. 
  • Shake well.
  • Let sit for 2 weeks, then your oil is ready to use. 
  • No need to strain out the spices; leave them in the oil. 
  • Shake before using, so that the herbs mix into the oil. 
  • When you get to the bottom of the jar, use the remaining spice and oil sludge in a marinade. 


I like to use my herb infused olive oil within 1 year. You can refrigerate your herbal oils to help preserve their shelf life. Remember that light, excess heat, exposure to moisture and fluctuating temperatures break down the integrity of the oil.