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Lavender Honey

Author: Kami McBride


  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup powdered lavender
  • 1 cup honey


  • Put honey into a sterilized jar.
  • Put the jar into a double boiler over low heat.
  • Gently heat for 15 minutes, or until it is warm. Do not boil or overheat the honey, just warm it up until the lavender can be easily mixed in.
  • Stir the lavender into the honey while it is still warm.
  • Remove jar of honey from double boiler and let cool.
  • Store the honey in a cabinet for 2 weeks before using.
  • Occasionally stir the contents, mixing lavender thoroughly into the honey.
  • Just leave the lavender in the honey as you use it. There is no need to strain the lavender out at any point. Herbal honeys have a long shelf life, approximately a year.