Next time you’re planning to host a family gathering or party with friends, don’t even think about walking down the soda aisle at the grocery store! When we have parties, we fill a five-gallon Igloo water dispenser with this refreshing lavender mint...
Every year when the violets begin to bloom, I find that tending my to-do list gets a bit more difficult! I would rather go daydream with the violets and clouds! I start to really relate to all the paintings of women dancing in the woods with the fairies! Warren B....
We’ve all heard that salads are good for you, but the truth is, they can get pretty boring. What you need is to up your salad game and infuse it with herbal vitality! Not only will these seven tricks make your salads more interesting and enjoyable to eat,...
Have you ever stood in the drink aisle at the grocery store and wondered which drink would taste good, and also not be full of sugar and dye? Even the “healthy” beverages in the store are full of questionable ingredients. That’s why I created this...
How do you feed yourself when you’re short on time and don’t want to break the bank buying prepared foods? Let me recommend one of my go-to solutions: a quick and easy miso soup recipe. I promise the minimal effort this takes will be much more satisfying...
Do you have an especially thoughtful way to show your love on special occasions? I formulated this Cardamom and Rose Chocolate Mousse recipe – a pink-hued variation on classic chocolate mousse, with herbs that open the heart and nurture connection – to serve just such...
If you’ve ever heard a friend rave about a delicious, last-minute meal they threw together using a homemade herb-infused oil, your first thought might’ve been something along the lines of, “I could never do that.” It does sound intimidating! But the truth is, infusing...
For thousands of years, people around the world have risked bee stings and hive swarms to enjoy even a few drops of sweet, golden honey. Not only is honey downright delicious, but it’s also a natural preservative with antibacterial properties. Our ancestors knew to...
Did you know that naturally red foods can support the heart? And one of the very best red foods is hawthorn. Hawthorn berries (Crataegus species) are renowned by herbalists for their heart benefits. You see, cardiovascular disease is primarily an inflammatory...
Are you looking for an herbal coffee alternative? While coffee consumed in moderate amounts can have benefits, too much caffeine can cause problems, and some people don’t do well with coffee at all. Side effects of caffeine include restlessness and irritability,...