Have you ever stood in the drink aisle at the grocery store and wondered which drink would taste good, and also not be full of sugar and dye? Even the “healthy” beverages in the store are full of questionable ingredients. That’s why I created this thirst-quenching herbal vitamin C drink recipe. It’s packed with nutrients and free from artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners. You can feel confident serving this to your family.

Besides freeing you from the high sugar content of commercial beverages, this herbal drink supports your health with vitamin C. Vitamin C is crucial for supporting immune system function; maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage; healing wounds; and protecting against free radicals that contribute to conditions like cancer, disease, and arthritis. Our bodies don’t naturally make this antioxidant, so it’s essential to regularly get vitamin C from our diet.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of the ingredients in our herbal vitamin C drink…

herbal vitamin c drink

Rose Hips

Rose hips (Rosa spp.) are one of the highest plant sources of vitamin C. Historically, they have been used to treat scurvy. Rose hips are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals and also have carminative properties that help the body absorb nutrients. Loaded with anti-inflammatory flavonoids, rose hips can help with colds, constipation, and sore throats.

If you don’t have access to organically grown rose hips that you can harvest yourself (or if you simply want to avoid the labor-intensive process of removing the seeds and hairs from fresh rose hips), I recommend the rose hips from Mountain Rose Herbs.

chamomile and rose hip tea


Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) helps to reduce anxiety and ease nerve and muscle pain. The herb of choice after a stressful day, chamomile is calming for both children and adults. It is a gentle sedative and helps with irritability and restlessness. Chamomile also facilitates digestion and helps to relieve a stomachache, especially when caused by anxiety or stress.

Note: chamomile is in the ragweed family, so use with caution if you have an allergy or sensitivity to plants in that family.

herbal vitamin c drink

Vitamin C-Rich Juices

Berry juice brings additional nutrients, flavor, and color to our herbal vitamin C drink. Antioxidant and vitamin C-packed berry juices include cranberry, cherry, raspberry, blueberry, and pomegranate (yes, pomegranate is a berry!). You can use what you like and have available, just be mindful that your berry juice doesn’t contain added sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Lime juice is another excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. I recommend using fresh lime juice, as it contains more vitamin C than bottled and has a brighter flavor. Bottled lime juice typically contains additives and preservatives.

herbal vitamin c drink

Vitamin C Thirst Quencher

Author: Kami McBride


  • 1 tbsp dried chamomile
  • 1 tbsp dried rose hips
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 2 tbsp berry juice concentrate
  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice


  • Place the chamomile and rose hips into a teapot.
  • Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the top of the herbs and let steep for two hours.
  • Strain the tea into a pitcher.
  • Stir in the berry juice concentrate and lime juice.
  • Serve cold.


Would you like to easily create delicious, nutritious herbal teas and end the addiction to sodas and sugar drinks once and for all? Check out the Herbal Tea Kick Start Guide


herbal vitamin c drink

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