I have seen people get sick, and in some cases, really sick on green smoothies. How could that be? They are supposed to be so healthy…

I know green smoothies are all the rage. With hundreds of blogs and articles talking about their healing benefits it’s hard to believe there could be anything wrong with them.

When I googled green smoothies, more than 1 million sources came up. Green smoothie diets, green smoothie challenges and every kind of green smoothie recipe you can imagine…

The good news is that the green smoothie movement has people eating more greens and getting a lot more fiber in their diet.

The bad news is that in my 20 years of clinical herbal practice, I have seen people get sick, and in some cases, really sick on green smoothies.

How could that be? They are supposed to be so healthy…

So again, I know they are all VERY popular, but let’s talk about what is wrong with them so you can make the right choice

I started to write a blog about the dark side of smoothies; but got excited to show you how I layer herbs into smoothies and the article turned into a video.

Then I put together a power point talking about smoothie contraindications and finally just decided to do a webinar, so I could lay it all out.

Green smoothies are somewhat of a fad diet and just like any recipe or ‘best way to eat’, herbalism puts it all into context, so you can understand if it is right for you or not.

In this Herbal Green Smoothie webinar, I’ll talk about where most every smoothie recipe goes wrong and you’ll see how to turn a (truly) healthy smoothie into an antioxidant herb packed smoothie.

Then we’ll get into the contra-indications of green smoothies, when to drink them and when they should not be part of your diet.

I’ll share my ‘go-to’ smoothie recipe with you that hundreds of my students enjoy and use as an easy way to up their herbal consumption.

The main thing though, is I am not going to just give you a recipe, you’ll receive a template for truly healthy smoothie making that you can use to filter every smoothie recipe with from here on out.

With this green smoothie framework, you will never need to be recipe dependent and you can transpose any green smoothie recipe within the framework that works for your constitution.

If you are already making green smoothies, I guarantee this webinar will change your perspective.

If you haven’t gotten on the green smoothie train yet, you will be inspired to make highly anti-oxidant and mineral rich, tasty smoothies that are right for you.

Herbal smoothies can be an incredibly simple way to add herbs and super foods to your diet for an energy boost, so knowing if and when they are good for you is important.

You’ll learn:

    • Are green smoothies good for you or not?
    • The most common green smoothie ingredient that you do not want to ever use
    • How to avoid going wrong with your green smoothies
    • Learn the delicious smoothie recipe I’ve used for 20 years
    • 3 Potent ways to layer herbal medicine into your smoothies
    • How to custom tailor smoothies for various family member palates
    • How to make green smoothies even more nutritious and easier to digest

If you drink smoothies or were thinking they are something you should do to be healthier, make sure to watch this webinar so we can unravel the ‘fad’ of smoothies and get down to how and when they can be really useful if they are the right food for you.

Here’s to your health,

Here is some feedback I got about this lesson on smoothies:

Sharon said, “You just re-oriented my entire approach to smoothies, thank you!”


Alia said, “With how popular smoothies are, I am amazed how nobody is talking about what you covered tonight, this is so helpful”


Julia said, “Wow, I was thinking about getting into smoothies, but now I am going to get started right away, I didn’t realize how much of a great herbal remedy they could be”

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