Ayurveda teaches that your digestive strength is tied to the sun. Like the sun, your digestive system is just beginning to rise in the morning, and your best digestion takes place at midday. The perfect breakfast foods are nutritious and satisfying yet don’t require a lot of digestive energy. And of course, we want the benefit of herbs for breakfast! These recipe ideas incorporate herbs, spices and other healthy ingredients to start your day right.


curried vegetable dal

#1 Curried Vegetable Dal

This warm, well-spiced vegetable dal recipe is deeply nourishing. It is always a good idea to add lots of herbs and spices to heavier meals. These herbs and spices help keep your blood moving and to fight off the congestion that cold weather can bring on.

See the video and recipe: Curried Vegetable Dal


herbs for breakfast: herbal egg muffins

#2 Herbal Egg Muffins

Every herbalist has a favorite egg recipe because it’s a great place to increase the herbal quotient. This simple recipe is an easy and delicious way to get herbs for breakfast. You can easily customize the egg muffins depending on who’s eating them and what you have on hand.

See the video and recipe: Herbal Egg Muffins


immunity soup

#3 Immunity Soup

Immunity soup is one of my go-to breakfasts. Quick and easy to make, this soup is full of protein, vitamins, minerals and hydrating electrolytes. It’s warm and full of easy to digest nutrition so I don’t feel bogged down first thing in the morning when my digestive fire isn’t completely awake yet.

See the video and recipe: Immunity Soup for Breakfast



#4 Ayurvedic Re-Set Breakfast

Looking for a re-set? Kitchari is a simple and restorative Ayurvedic dish featuring spices that support digestion and increase your nutritional uptake. This breakfast is especially good for times when you may not feel well or have overindulged and it’s time to take it back a notch.

See the video and recipe: Ayurvedic Re-Set Breakfast


herbal green smoothie

#5 Herbal Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are all the rage. The good news is that the green smoothie movement has people eating more greens and getting a lot more fiber in their diet. The bad news is that in my 20 years of clinical herbal practice, I have seen people get sick, and in some cases, really sick on green smoothies. How could that be? They are supposed to be so healthy…

Find out where most every smoothie recipe goes wrong, when to drink them, when they should not be part of your diet, and how to turn a (truly) healthy smoothie into an antioxidant herb packed smoothie.

Access the free webinar: Herbal Green Smoothies


I would love to hear from you! How do you like to eat herbs for breakfast? Please share in the comments below. 

herbal breakfast recipes

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