3 Easy to Grow Culinary Herbs

3 Easy to Grow Culinary Herbs

“Hey Kami, which kitchen herbs are the easiest to grow?” I get this question a lot, so I thought I would write about the 3 absolute easiest culinary herbs to grow, even if you have had no success with growing herbs. These are the 3 go-to herbs that my students have...
Kitchen Medicine: Coriander

Kitchen Medicine: Coriander

Do you have coriander in your kitchen cupboard? What do you use it for? Salad dressing, marinades, soups, dressings….Coriander is a common spice found in most spice racks. “It is one of those amazing spices that not only adds wonderful flavor to so many dishes...
Summer Garden Pesto

Summer Garden Pesto

Pesto is more than a condiment in my kitchen; actually it is the fifth food group in our house! It is so satisfying to make a batch of pesto every week and know that it is in the fridge to put on practically everything we eat. It feels so rewarding to top off any meal...
Basil Ginger Limeade

Basil Ginger Limeade

What drink do you like to serve when you have guests?  For many years we hosted Easter at our home. My husband has 6 siblings and my family has been in the same area for 6 generations, so what that means is – LOTS of people. I figured out long ago that I could...
5 Healing Uses of St. John’s Wort Oil

5 Healing Uses of St. John’s Wort Oil

St. John’s wort oil is one of my most used home remedies! It is a superb massage oil, but it also helps with cuts and scrapes, minor burns, and muscle pain. Actually, I can talk for several hours about all the situations I’ve seen this oil help… but let’s just...
Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils

Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils

Handcrafted healing herbal oils are the easiest place to start building or increasing the effectiveness of your natural first aid or home remedy tool kit so you can have something on hand (-before you need it, key point-). I like to think of it as the least amount of...
Medicine Cabinet or What?

Medicine Cabinet or What?

I am wondering if you can help me out! I am trying to come up with what to call the medicine cabinet! Here are some of the things I’ve come up with: Home Wellness Tool Kit Wellness Cabinet Prevention Cupboard Herb Cabinet I kind of like Wellness Cabinet, but it...