I enjoy creating distinctive cordials for special occasions. This illustrious rose petal cordial recipe was concocted specifically for my wedding celebration. I put together the biggest batch of cordial I had ever made, and was it a sensation!

Many years later I have people still asking me for this cordial. It is a good thing I remembered what I put in it. I hope you enjoy this love potion.

With their beautiful petals and aroma, roses open the heart. As an effective nerve tonic, roses exert an uplifting and restorative influence on the nervous system. Nerve tonics enhance our mental function, moderate reactivity to our environment, and improve our ability to sleep.

Rose petals have a calming effect and help with anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. If you’re exasperated or frustrated, rose petals can calm the nerves and cool the body.

rose petal cordial recipe

Rose petals (Rosa species) of all colors are edible. Make sure they have a good scent when you give them a whiff! You can make this rose petal cordial recipe with fresh or dried flowers that you buy or harvest yourself. Roses from florists are routinely cultivated with pesticides, so look for organically grown roses.

Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source for purchasing organic dried rose petals. 

love potion

After infusing for one month, this rose petal cordial recipe is sweetened with rose honey. If you have previously made a batch of rose honey, great! If not, you can easily make the rose honey while the cordial is infusing. You could also just use regular honey to sweeten the cordial, but I highly recommend making the rose petal honey. It’s also fantastic on toast or in tea.

Click here to get the Rose Honey recipe

rose petal cordial recipe

Love Potion Cordial

Author: Kami McBride


  • 1 cup finely chopped fresh rose petals or 2/3 cup dried rose petals
  • 1/2 vanilla bean/pod, chopped
  • 1 tsp cinnamon stick pieces
  • 1/2 tsp powdered cardamom
  • 1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger
  • 2 cups brandy, or to cover by 2 inches
  • 1/2 cup rose honey to sweeten
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup to sweeten
  • 1/4 cup rose water to sweeten


  • Fill a clean glass jar with the herbs.
  • Pour the brandy over the herbs, filling the jar to the top.
  • Put a lid on the jar, label the jar with the date and contents, store it in a dark place, and let the ingredients infuse for one month. Make sure your herbs stay covered with alcohol. Occasionally check to see if you need to add more alcohol, as some of it may have been soaked up by the plant material. This tends to be more of a problem with fresh ingredients than with dried. Especially check your mixture the first few days after making it. The alcohol should cover the ingredients by at least 2 inches.
  • Place a funnel into the mouth of a clean, sterilized jar and lay muslin on top of the funnel.
  • Carefully pour the alcohol through the muslin and funnel, letting the muslin catch the herbs and fruit, and being careful not to let them spill into the jar.
  • Allow all the liquid to strain through the cloth into the jar. If you are using dried herbs, squeeze the rest of the liquid out of the dried plant material through the cloth into the jar.
  • Discard the herbs. Add it to your compost or just put it on the dirt in your garden.
  • Sweeten the liquid with honey, maple syrup, and rose water.

I would love to hear from you! Do you love roses? Have you ever tried rose petals in your food, drinks, or medicine? Please share in the comments below!

rose petal cordial recipe

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