Over the years I have so much enjoyed adding herbs to my crafting projects and this is what I would like to share with you today. 

Do you enjoy sewing or doing handcrafting activities?

If so, you will enjoy the free Herbal Crafting Corner that I put together for homeschooling, after school projects, everyone at home with kids and grandkids (and adults that need some herbal relaxation).

If crafting isn’t your thing, just scroll through to the next blog where you’ll find an awesome herbal recipe to have fun in the kitchen with…

But if you’ve got some kids to entertain or like to create hand- made gifts, this is a resource for you.

Herbal wreaths, herb pillows, herbal offering gifts and herb hearts…

Growing up, I spent a lot of time sewing with my grandmother, I loved her so much. She taught me to clean and craft and to take care of the details.

She wasn’t much of a cook and we ate a lot of grilled Skippy peanut butter sandwiches together…but there was always something to clean and always something to create.

When she would bring home skeins of yarn, it was my job to roll them into perfect balls.

She always had me thread her needles and I spent countless dreamy hours with her knitting, crocheting and doing needle point.

To this day I feel her when I do needle crafting and it’s a very soothing and healing part of my life.

Crafting is my happy place, and in the evening, doing a crafting project calms my mind and drains the chaos and anxiety that is floating around from the day.

I get out my little basket of herbal sewing crafts. It’s the way I tell my body that we are done for the day. Moving the needle back and forth through the fabric, my mind starts to let go.

The oils from handling the herbs enter my blood stream through the skin and I start to relax and soon the to-do list that seems to occupy my brain just fades into the distance. (Just a note, if you don’t like sewing, this won’t have the same effect on you).

But even if you don’t love sewing, these are still great family projects.

The thing I love about herbalism is that there are so many directions you can take to bring it to life in your home.

When we create with our heart and hands and infuse our projects with love and prayers, it matters.

That is what we do when we make herbal medicines. Our herbal medicines are gifts from the Earth that we fashion with our hearts and hands with love to help care for our people.

I’ve rounded up my favorite herbal crafts and put them all together in one spot, you can click here to get free access to the Herbal Crafting Corner.

Learn to make, Lavender hearts, medicinal wreaths, herbal gift offerings and healing herbal pillows.

May the movement of your hands calm your mind. May the texture and colors of the herbs and fabric feed your senses and soothe your soul.

May you dedicate the beauty of your gift to the world or to one person that you know that needs care right now.

See you in the crafting room,


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