I get a lot of questions about oils—how to make and use herbal oils, how to store herbal oils, just all the things about herbal oils. Recently, I got this question: “I really want to use my herbal oils, but they are so messy. How do you do it?” So, I’m going to show you my top four herbal oil applicators and how I use them.

The great thing about herbal medicines and herbal oils is that you can use them every day, but they’ve got to be accessible. You don’t want your oil bottles to be so runny that you can’t carry them with you, or they leak onto the table or whatever surface you put them on. That’s why I love these herbal oil applicators that keep the oils well contained and easy to carry for on-the-go oiling.

#1 Fat Lip Balm Tube

If you add a little beeswax, you can turn an oil into a salve, and then it’s more solid and easy to contain. A lip balm tube is a great way to carry your herbal oils.I especially love what I call “fat ChapStick” containers.

Those are my favorite containers because they’re big enough. The small lip balm containers I use up in 5 minutes. The big, fat tubes are great herbal oil applicators for your skin, your lips, and your face.

herbal oil applicators: roll-on bottle

#2 Roll-On Bottle

The second way that I carry my oils is in a roll-on bottle. This prevents the oil from leaking all over the place. The roller bottle has a good lid that stays on tight. The oil doesn’t leak out.

I keep these roll-on bottles in my purse and in my car. For example, lavender-comfrey oil is great to have on hand for neck tension or sore muscles. You can just roll a little bit on, and it doesn’t drip all over the place.

herbal oil applicators: spot treatment spray bottle

#3 Spot Treatment Spray Bottle

These tiny spray bottles are super small, about 3 inches tall. They don’t leak and you can use them to spray just a little bit as needed. I carry these bottles with me and use them. I also give them away.

My favorite herbal oil to keep in these spot treatment bottles is lavender-St. John’s wort oil. Everybody needs some oil. Everybody’s got a scratch, a red spot, a cut, a scrape, a sore muscle, a headache, a burn, a bruise, or a contusion. These herbal oil applicators are great because you don’t want to give away a whole big bottle, but you can give away a little bottle to somebody that’s just getting into herbal oils.

salve tin

#4 Small Salve Tin

If you’re making a salve, glass jars are nice, but they’re heavy. For taking a hike or going on a trip or carrying salves in your purse, I like metal tins better. A little metal tin is much lighter than glass. I have all kinds of metal tins that I get from Specialty Bottle.

I also like to put salves into small containers because the thing about oils is that you contaminate them every time you dip your finger into them. I don’t like to have a big container of salve because it gets contaminated. This way, I just keep a little tin and use it up quickly.

Where to Buy Herbal Oil Applicators

Are you looking for where to buy herbal oil applicators? Over on my Herbal Medicine Making Resources page, you’ll see my “Rolodex” of places where I get bottles, jars, and packaging for all of my herbal medicines.


Ready to make the most potent herbal oils that work? Check out Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils


I would love to hear from you! How do you contain and use your herbal oils? Do you have a favorite herbal oil applicator? Please share in the comments below.

herbal oil applicators

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