Herbal syrups taste yummy, are easy to make, and easy to take. This is herbal medicine that you and your family won’t wrinkle your noses over. In fact, some herbal syrups can be enjoyed on pancakes or in drinks. Check out these three herbal syrup recipes that are favorites in my kitchen and among my students.


iron tonic syrup

#1 Iron Tonic Syrup

The iron syrups at health food stores are often pretty expensive and high in sugar. Based on decades of teaching and direct evidence, I believe this DIY iron tonic has the ultimate combination of iron-rich herbs and fruits, and I’ve been honored to hear glowing feedback from countless women over the years. 

Get the recipe: Iron Tonic Syrup


violet syrup recipe

#2 Violet Syrup

Folk medicine is rich with uses for violet. In Europe, violet’s use in the kitchen and home herbalism dates back to at least medieval times. Here’s an herbal syrup recipe that lets you bottle the color, magic and fragrance of violets to use in mocktails and cocktails, or drizzle over pancakes, waffles, or oatmeal.

Get the recipe: Violet Syrup


elderberry juniper syrup

#3 Elderberry Juniper Syrup

If I take this herbal syrup the day I feel the very first symptoms of a cold or sore throat… well, it never comes. Even now, it sometimes amazes me, if I feel fatigue or a tickle in my throat, and I JUMP ON IT with this syrup… it doesn’t progress. With all my students and their kids, I have heard this story hundreds of times now.

Get the recipe: Elderberry Juniper Syrup


Are you ready to transform your spice rack into a healing home apothecary? Learn how to use herbal medicine with the common kitchen herbs and spices that you already know and love. Check out my video-packed online course, Herbal Kitchen Remedy Solutions.

herbal syrups

I would love to hear from you! Do you and your family have any favorite herbal syrups? Please share in the comments below.

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