Recently I received a question: “Kami, I hear you talking about communicating with plants. Can you please tell me what you do and how you do it?” So let’s talk about some steps you can take to increase your plant communication abilities.

There are two main elements to activating your plant communication abilities. First, how do you slow your brainwaves down so that your vibrational frequency matches the vibrational frequency of the earth? Then, once you get into that state, how do you perceive and receive communication from the plants?


Tune Into the Frequency of the Earth

The first step to increasing your plant communication abilities is to lower your brainwaves. We’re learning a lot about the brain and brainwaves. Both humans and plants vibrate at a certain hertz (Hz) or brainwaves per second. If they hook you up to a machine, how many waves happen in a second?

We have different waves. In delta, which is sleep, your waves are at 2 to 4 waves per second. You have theta, which is a deep meditative state where the waves happen at between 4 and 7 seconds. In alpha, the waves go 8 to 15 waves per second. You have beta, which is around 13 to 35 waves per second. They’ve also discovered a gamma wave, which is about 35 to 100. Your brain is never just in one state.

You can operate at beta and stress all day long, but when you slow your brainwaves and drop down into the alpha or theta state, you start to resonate with the earth. Everything is energy and every energy has a frequency. The plant frequency operates around 7, or the theta to alpha state.

brain waves

You hear about “forest bathing” and all the healing that is being scientifically proven when you take a walk in the forest. Basically, when you start to get on the same wavelength as the forest, your brainwaves slow down. Your energy relaxes and your body has more energy for healing instead of stress.

When you can slow your brainwaves down to about 7, which is when you’re in a very peaceful, relaxed state, that’s when you start to entrain or have the same vibrational frequency as the plants, the trees, and the forest. When you’re on more of an energetic vibration with the plants, there’s more likelihood of receiving communication.

The big question is, how do you get there? There are literally thousands of ways to slow your brainwaves down. That’s what all the different breathing and meditation techniques are. Prayer does that. Piddling around the house or in the garden, when you’re not really thinking about anything, slows your brainwaves down.

forest bathing

What gets you to that state where you feel peaceful? Where your mind relaxes and is not chattering like, “Go, go, go. I got to do this, I got to do that”?

I run at that state all the time. I have to consciously slow my brainwaves down, relax, and just breathe in the beauty of the earth. That’s the place where we can start to perceive and receive information from the earth and the plants. When we get locked in to stress, we don’t perceive the animals and plants that vibrate at a lower frequency.

To increase your plant communication abilities, you want to understand how it is you lower your brainwaves and get yourself into an alpha state. Some people use breath work. For others, it might be a power nap or a particular meditation. Sometimes movement is good. For me, I can slow my brainwaves down easier through movement than sitting. When I walk in the woods or through the meadow, I can really relax and feel that peace.

How do you slow yourself down and get yourself into the vibrational frequency of the earth? You want to cultivate that, so that you can get to that state easier and more often.


Ready to deepen your plant communication skills? Check out Plant Wisdom


plant communication abilities

Perceive Communication from the Plants

Then, once you do relax, how do you perceive information from the plants? Receiving communication from the plants is primarily through intuition, and your intuition rides on your senses. It’s really each of our jobs to learn how it is that we perceive our information.

How is your intuition wired? You might not know this right away. Once you can get yourself into an alpha state, you can start to ask questions see how things come to you. Do you hear things? See things? Smell things? Do you have just a general knowing? Do you have instant knowings? Do things come to you in dreams? Do answers come to you in the morning?

We’re all wired differently. What are your ways of perception? How do you know something that you didn’t read in a book? What experiences have you had where you knew something, but nobody told you? Is it when you have goosebumps, or the hair stands up on the back of your neck? When I know I have communication, I get a lot of chills. Do you hear voices? Do you have a sense of knowing?

plant communication abilities

This is a conversation. When you get information from the earth or from the plants, then you want to check it out. Is it true? Is it right for me? You don’t just hear, “Oh, eat this plant? I’m going to try it.” No. You have to check it out. You come back into your waking state, and you check it out.

Again, you may not know right away. This aspect of honing your plant communication abilities may be something that you’re working on, and it takes time.

The plants have been here longer than we have. They have a lot of wisdom about how to live on this planet, and they’re right outside our door. We can stay in our quick mind, in our beta and stress state, and never slow down enough to listen to them — or we can live this life really cultivating our plant communication abilities to perceive their joy and beauty.

plant communication abilities

One of the ways that our brainwaves can slow down is when we feel gratitude, and when we really acknowledge and recognize beauty. The plants are in harmony with our nervous system to help us to get to that place. There’s that saying, “Stop and smell the flowers.” If you can take the time to stop and smell the flowers and just enjoy the aroma or the beauty of the plants, that act itself slows down your brainwaves and gets you into that relaxed state.

If this is all new for you, one thing you can do is set the intention to receive information from your garden. Take 7 to 10 slow, deep breaths and then ask a question of your garden. It can be a question about anything, perhaps “Where should I plant this?” Then just forget about it and go about whatever you were doing to do. See what happens. Watch your dreams or what you wake up with in the morning. Another thing you can do in your garden is this one simple technique to connect with the earth.

If we can get back into that space of awe, really slowing ourselves down, and then paying attention to how we perceive intuition, those are important gateways for activating and increasing our plant communication abilities.

I would love to hear from you! How do you get yourself down to an alpha state and lower your brainwaves? How does your intuition speak to you? I would love to hear how you know something when nobody’s told you. Please share in the comments below.

How to Increase Your Plant Communication Abilities

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